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Copious Amounts of Black Coffee

You've got mail, says the computer. Seriously dude, you've got mail, come check! Please! Come here. Humaannnnn. I need you! LOOK. AT YOUR. INBOX. Dude you've got mail. You've got MAIL. What if Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan had ignored me like this? Huh? Oi, human!

So yes, I checked my inbox and what did I find? This luscious daydream of a scribble sheet by Suite Charlie. Sigh! How can I be grumpy at my mouthy inbox-man when he delivers me goodies like this? I'm not even going to play it coy like that fool Tom Hanks because who has time for a messy two-hour movie courtship anyway? Let's all begin our instagram art romance with Suite Charlie right away! One two three, go: @suitecharlie